Saeed Rashid of Focus Visuals teaches print design at Bournemouth University. We met while I was there teaching technical skills to the Journalism degree and masters students.
The other day he posted an invitation on Facebook for anyone who wished to join him and a couple of friends on Boscombe Beach at 7am… While this didn’t sound like the most inviting invitation I’ve received via the internet, knowing Saeed it would provide some very nice shots for the archive and a bit of an education.
Boscombe Beach at 7am on an early January morning is a bitterly cold place. Frost on the sand and only the sound of the waves was an eerie start to the day. However, once I’d joined Saeed it began to get light very quickly. Not the greatest sunrise ever – we didn’t really see the sun. But, still some stunning shots and the realisation that I need some graduated ND filters. (Saeed, I now have the filters and cannot wait to try them out!)
So here is my first attempt at capturing a sunrise. A little bit challenging on video as there is little in the way of movement – the best shot is arguably a closeup of the sea pulling back from the sand – and you may notice a couple of shots where I’ve cut the sky out and speeded it up! But see what you think of the results below. Oh, and I hope you like the music – it is another Adelia Television production, written, performed and recorded by us to avoid the usual copyright problems…