What do you think?
The ad. below is for the shaving cream The Bluebeards Revenge – and was indeed shot in just three hours.
No recce to check the location, no storyboard and not even a meeting with the players or the model…
An outline script from the client, an address for the rink, the coach’s contact telephone number and a large redbull were all that were provided…
In line with all production at Adelia Television the entire shoot was undertaken by one person. No need to plan everything in minute detail when the same person shoots and edits the video.
The smaller the number of people on a production team – the more efficiently the shoot can be managed – the quicker the video can be turned round. With modern equipment it is amazing what can be achieved by one person – the ultimate in efficiency. Although it has to be admitted that only one scene needed lighting and the only set dressing required was a smoke machine to stand in as steam from the showers! However, if you are behind the camera and sat the edit suite, then you will be aware of what has to be achieved at the shoot to give you the shots and angles required in the edit.
Luckily, as per the team’s press release, the players loved the experience and were really helpful in getting it all done so quickly. So, what do you think to the finished product?