Nov 24, 2011   //   by adelia   //   Gear  //  No Comments

I own a superb Sony VG10.  However, there are a few things about it’s design that are frustrating when using it professionally.

But, not to worry as Sony announced the updated VG20 at the end of August…

According to the official press release and numerous pre-sale reviews the new camera pretty much deals with all the VG10’s shortcomings…

However, (as in the article below) the same floods in Thailand that have affected worldwide hard disk supplies have (according to my local Sony Centre) also knocked out a key camera factory…

It is important at this point to note that there a few reasons to ensure you get a VG20E destined for the UK market.  The ‘E’ stands for European to ensure that it is compatible with the video standards here (25p or 50p).  Also, official UK stock will be covered by Sony’s warranty which may not be true if you get a camera that should be sent elsewhere.

However, a number of companies appear to be capitalising on this problem online.  A famous marketplace list stock available from two of its resellers.  But, do they really have UK spec VG20E’s in stock?  The Sony Centre points out that Sony have not officially released UK stock so it would seem unlikely.  Their explanation is that either they have stock from other European countries or that these companies will give a long delivery date in the hope that they will be able to get hold of UK stock to fulfil the order – if unsuccessful they will inform the customer and propose a new even longer delivery date.  Seems innocent, but at worst it may mean that they hold onto your money, earning your interest, until you get so frustrated you request a refund with the associated hassle.  At best it could mean that they hoover up some pre-orders by misleading customers with listed UK stock.  Whatever the outcome it is likely to be a frustrating process.

You can also find VG20E stock listed on a famous auction site – this time from Hong Kong.  This may be genuine but despite the listing being for the ‘E’ camera I would worry whether they were manufactured for this market and compatible with UK video specs.  Also the price looks cheap but it doesn’t include import duty – which could be hundreds of pounds.

The problem is this – I don’t want to gamble this amount of money online, on (what must be) unofficial stock.  I have searched everywhere but I can find no mention of when it will be officially available in Britain…

So please, if you know anything, comment on this post:

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